Have you ever wondered why legal documents are so long and why they contain so much gobbledygook? For instance why are wills called “Last Will and Testament” rather than simply [...]
Should you create your own estate plan with a do-it-yourself online program (with the help of this website) or by hiring an attorney (also guided by this website)? The online programs are less [...]
When children with special needs reach age 18, their parents are no longer their legal guardians and conservators. They may find that all of the sudden doctors and other health care professionals [...]
In 2014, Congress passed the much-anticipated Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act to permit the creation of savings and investment accounts for people receiving public benefits and [...]
As if the Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) rules weren’t complicated enough, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has its own trust rules for people living in [...]
While setting up a special needs trust will shelter assets—whether inherited (read here), earned, or won as a personal injury settlement or judgment (read here)—so they won’t be counted in [...]
People with disabilities can receive substantial funds whether due to settling a personal injury lawsuit or receiving an inheritance. And some people become disabled later in life as the result [...]
As is described in Medicaid Income Rules and Spousal Protections for Nursing Home Residents, when one spouse moves to a nursing home and qualifies for Medicaid coverage, he may have to pay all [...]
Under rules described here, if the spouse of a nursing home resident (the “community” spouse) has income below an amount determined by the state Medicaid agency to be the minimum he [...]
Federal Medicaid law permits the community spouse to keep all of his or her assets even if they exceed the standard spousal allowance of $130,380 (in 2021) by simply refusing to support the [...]