Question: I have a living brother and a half brother that are beneficiaries of my parents’ estate. My mother’s will stated that certain investment accounts were to be divided in [...]
Question: My mom died without receiving any Medicaid to help pay for her nursing home. She paid everything from her own money. She was a widow for 25 years before she remarried at the age of 72. [...]
Question: I am a beneficiary in a nominee trust of a vacation house and have a question about capital gains taxes. My parents bought the house in 1970, and set the trust up in 1990 for my 3 [...]
Question: I would like to leave my 401k, IRAs, etc. to my family in the Philippines. What is the best and easiest way to do this? Should I list them as beneficiaries or should I have a living [...]
Question: Is there a HIPAA release form that is will work for any organization in the event I become incapacitated? I have created several for my local providers, but I would like something that [...]
Question: Is going to a church for free food in-kind income for purposes of SSI? Response: Technically, yes, until September 30, 2024. Beneficiaries of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are [...]
Question: Is a MOLST appropriate for a healthy 65 year old to complete? Did COVID change that? A few years ago my PCP declined to complete a MOLST with me as I was “too healthy”? [...]
Question: For hospitals, do we need to bring only copies of our important things like driver’s license and medical insurance cards? Same with the MOLST. If you already have all these documents, [...]
[Editor’s note: This question came in during the Covid-19 pandemic but is still relevant today in terms of long-term care planning.] Question: Since Medicaid nursing home residents [...]
Question: I have a client for whom I am selling her mother’s home. Her mother has dementia (some days better than others) and has been in a nursing home for a couple of years. She applied [...]