Question: My 100-year-old mother formed an irrevocable trust for Medicaid-planning purposes back in 1997. It has a brokerage account that holds a T bill and some stocks. The stocks have a fairly [...]
Question: My father died in 2022. I was named the personal representative of his estate and sold his stock in his investment account in 2024 before distributing the proceeds to all my siblings. [...]
Question: If a disabled adult child clause has prohibited the Medicaid estate recovery on her dad’s estate, can the probate attorney who advised the sale of the property then divide the proceeds [...]
Question: My last surviving parent passed away in Massachusetts in December 2022. He held two properties in a revocable trust in which turned irrevocable upon his death. We paid estate taxes on [...]
Question: My deceased brother had $100,000 in UPS stock. As the administrator of his estate, I liquidated the stock and placed the proceeds in an account for distribution to the heirs. What would [...]
Question: My father died intestate many years ago, leaving a number of TXI stocks to his heirs: my mother, who has since also passed away, and six children. TXI split several times before [...]
Question: My mother passed away a year ago. She had everything put in a trust that was to be evenly distributed between all six adult children. One brother and one sister are trustees and all six [...]
Question: Is the best way to disburse stock 50/50 (2,000 shares) to my sister and myself? We are equal beneficiaries under our mother’s will. Should we cash it out deposit the proceeds into [...]
Question: I was given a check by a friend that was near death. He asked me to cash it upon his death. I did so as requested. There is an estate attorney who said that I must return the funds to [...]
Question: My wife and I jointly own our residence as tenants by the entirety. I have two adult children and grandchildren from my first marriage and two adult children and grandchildren from my [...]