Question: How do I go about forming a trust? Response: There are really two ways to form a trust: Do it yourself with an on-line program or hire an attorney. The advantage of an on-line program [...]
Question: Is it fair for a family member acting as trustee and property manager to charge the same fees as professionals, considering the potential conflicts of interest and lack of experience in [...]
Question: My mother established a nominee trust in 2005 when she was living at the time in Massachusetts. She placed my bother as the trustee. At the same time she established a revocable [...]
Question: Trusts often include provisions similar to these: Governing law: This document is governed by the laws of [name of state]. Severability: If any part of this document is invalid or [...]
Question: What is the difference between a per stirpes and a per capita distribution of an estate? Response: It’s always confusing when lawyers or their documents use Latin words. You may [...]
Question: My last surviving parent passed away in Massachusetts in December 2022. He held two properties in a revocable trust in which turned irrevocable upon his death. We paid estate taxes on [...]
Question: My mom and stepdad had a trust. After his death, mom wanted to be rid of the trust so we revoked it. My brother now claims (without a copy of the trust) that he is trustee and as my [...]
Question: My wife and I currently run a wellness center and the bulk of our clients are 55+ years in age. We are concerned that the rise in fraud and scams targeting elders will only skyrocket [...]
Question: Do I need to report my revocable trust and irrevocable trusts of which I am trustee to the government under the Corporate Transparency Act? Response: No, only limited liability [...]
Question: I have a joint revocable living trust with spouse. Under its terms, when the surviving spouse passes, the trust becomes irrevocable with a corporate trustee appointed to provide [...]