Question: When are Trustee Fees Paid? When are trustee fees normally paid? (i.e. end of year, beginning of year, prorated monthly?) Response: There’s no hard and fast rule, but often [...]
Question: I am the trustee of an irrevocable trust. I am also on SSDI. Will my trustee pay be included as income. Will it affect my SSDI? Response: Probably not. Unlike Supplemental Security [...]
Question: My husband and I each have an irrevocable trust. Each trust holds a 50% interest in each three properties. We are selling one income-producing property next month. Should our closing [...]
Question: We would like to seek your opinion on our present trust situation? We are both retired and moved to Florida in 2022. We have a trust that was drafted in California in 2016. We [...]
Question: I am a trustee of three trusts each holding $8 million dollars. The investment manager who disburses the fees does not send 1099’s. What is a reasonable monthly fee and are these [...]
Question: I have been trustee of my father’s trust since 12-24-18 to present. I have taken care of contacting all companies, paying bills, remodeling and repairing, banking, etc. The house [...]
Question: I’m going have a spendthrift type of trust drawn up for my son who will probably inherit $6-7 million dollars. The instructions would be to invest the money in an S&P 500 [...]
Question: The guy who’s trustee of my fathers estate has billed the estate $257,490. This is from August 2nd 2019, until today. And he has tapped into the IRA still there. So I guess my [...]
Question: One brother and I were both appointed as POAs and healthcare advocates in a trust for our mother. My brother assumed financial and healthcare decisions as he lived closer. There are 7 [...]
Question: How exactly does the trustee of a SNT get paid? Does any serving trustee have direct access to the trust account and withdraw funds to pay him or her self? Response: That’s right. [...]