Question: My sister is the sole beneficiary of a small irrevocable third-party supplemental benefit trust which on her death provides for distribution of accumulated principal and undistributed [...]
Question: In Pennsylvania, does money in a third-party trust count as Medicaid income or asset if a beneficiary or his wife is on SSDI? Response: I can’t tell you about Pennsylvania in [...]
Question: We have a special needs trust for our daughter to be funded by a life insurance policy on my husband’s life. We’re wondering if we should transfer the policy to the trust in [...]
Question: Do you know of a good resource to give SNT trustees more information/education about safe withdrawal rates? Being a trustee of a friend’s trust is a very, very difficult job, [...]
Question: Can a special needs trust help pay for my son’s food and rent, if SSDI is not enough? What if he receives SSI? Response: Certainly. Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) is not [...]
Question: I am having some negative luck with getting advice about trusts. I am on SSDI. My disability, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis began when I was three years old. I am now 62. I applied for [...]
Question: I wonder if money from an ABLE account could be used to pay rent for a disabled child while they are waiting for public housing or a Section 8 voucher. Response: Yes, an ABLE account [...]
Question: I would like to set up a Special Needs Trust for my 63-year-old son with autism. I have also been appointed as his guardian. Question 1: Does the guardianship interfere with the [...]
Question: I just read your article about IRAs being paid to trusts. Is a special needs trust for grantor’s disabled son an “eligible designated beneficiary” under the SECURE [...]
Question: How exactly does the trustee of a SNT get paid? Does any serving trustee have direct access to the trust account and withdraw funds to pay him or her self? Response: That’s right. [...]