Question: I wonder if money from an ABLE account could be used to pay rent for a disabled child while they are waiting for public housing or a Section 8 voucher. Response: Yes, an ABLE account [...]
Question: We share a house with our daughter and son-in-law. They pay on the mortgage but the mortgage is in our name as we had better credit. In addition, the title to the house is in our [...]
Question: A friend of mine passed away and had it in her will for her longtime friend who lives in Germany would be her executor and inherit her mobile home and belongings. But now someone from [...]
Question: Wife transfers her 50% interest in their house to husband’s revocable trust. Husband dies and 100% of house owned by credit trust in H’s trust of which W is beneficiary. When W dies, [...]
Question: Is the trustee fee I received income that I can use to calculate my IRA contribution in the same year? Response: Yes, it is earned income that must be reported on your tax return and, [...]
Question: I would like to set up a Special Needs Trust for my 63-year-old son with autism. I have also been appointed as his guardian. Question 1: Does the guardianship interfere with the [...]
Question: I just read a story about Mary Jane’s estate which was divided among four siblings. Our family also has four siblings. The difference is that our father is still living but has to move [...]
Question: I am the executor of an estate where I would like to liquidate some common stock in order to pay the New Jersey inheritance tax and distribute some cash legacies as specified in the [...]
Question: Should I hire a law firm or non-legal service to assist with the Medicaid application for my mom who will be moving to a nursing home? Response: Hire a law firm, and perhaps a non-legal [...]