Will Medicaid Pay for My Wife to Take Care of Our Adult Disabled Son?

Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash
I am listed as my son’s guardian. He will be 20 this year. He has Medicaid coverage and also is on my employer insurance. My wife handles most of his care, including his hygiene. She must constantly keep an eye on him when I’m away at work. She even has to help him with getting dressed some days. Someone told us she can get paid by Medicaid as a caregiver. Is this true and if so, how would we go about getting paperwork to get this going?
This depends on your state’s Medicaid program. In my state of Massachusetts, for instance, your wife might be able to qualify as as a personal care attendant or PCA. Again referring to Massachusetts, this program is administered through various non-profit organizations around the state. Other states may provide payment through their adult foster care or home care programs.
It’s best to be in touch with disability and special needs organizations in your state to determine what might be available. You also might consult with a special needs attorney or financial planner. You can find one at www.specialneedsanswers.com.
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