Question: I am the social worker at a medical clinic and our doctors are frequently told by patients that their lawyer, neurologist, or someone else told them to have the PCP determine capacity [...]
Question: Does Massachusetts allow individuals to give $500 a month to a daughter without being in violation of the Medicaid look back period? Is it better to give this with a check or cash? [...]
Question: I am trustee for two trusts with my brother as beneficiary. The trusts require that I distribute 3% of the combined trusts’ value each year with discretion to distribute more. He [...]
Question: I have 3 questions about the timing and documentation of gifting: 1. If gift checks were written in 2018, but not cashed until 2019, in what year are they counted? 2. If gift checks [...]
Question: We have a Supplemental Needs Trust for our older son (25 years old). We have named a younger son (23 years old) as the trustee and a friend (60 years old) as a co-trustee that our [...]
Question: I am a remainder beneficiary of an irrevocable Special Needs Trust. The beneficiary has died and I will get my share of the final disbursement. I have been told that much of the trust [...]