Question: My sister is the sole beneficiary of a small irrevocable third-party supplemental benefit trust which on her death provides for distribution of accumulated principal and undistributed [...]
Question: Can I get disability for my 3-year-old son who was born here even if I am not a citizen? Response: Yes. A child’s eligibility for benefits is not based on the citizenship of his [...]
Question: What is the best place to deposit SSI benefits for an infant? Response: Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits are available to children under age 18 who are disabled and whose [...]
Question: My friend has been collecting SSI for many years and had to claim her Social Security when she turned 62 about a year ago in 2022. During this process, her financial situation was [...]
Question: Can a special needs trust help pay for my son’s food and rent, if SSDI is not enough? What if he receives SSI? Response: Certainly. Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) is not [...]
Question: I wanted to confirm that an SSI recipient must apply for their Social Security benefits when they turn 62 based on a friend’s recent personal experience. About 10 weeks after [...]
Question: I am 60, disabled, and on SSI and medicaid. I was recently in a car accident, and am expecting a decent sized (about $60K) settlement. I do not want to lose my SSI and Medicaid [...]
Question: I am a trustee of a special needs trust for a friend that was funded in March 2020. She has been on Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medicaid for over 10 years. She will be 62 in [...]
Question: Is going to a church for free food in-kind income for purposes of SSI? Response: Technically, yes, until September 30, 2024. Beneficiaries of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are [...]
Question: I live in Ohio. I am the maternal grandmother and guardian of my 13-year-old grandson, who has been 100% handicapped for the past 6 1/2 yrs due to a car wreck. He’s basically a [...]